
I’m Maggie Robinson, professional photographer, and a successful entrepreneur who specializes in personal coaching and in-person sales training for photographers.

We continue to face many challenges in today’s business world. From navigating the choppy waters of marketing, client retention and acquisition, to constantly trying to improve the quality of our work. We question ourselves daily, trying to find the perfect balance between business and family life. What if you COULD get better clients and stop working for nothing?

With more than 15 years of experience in business management, entrepreneurship, and 7 years in photography training and coaching, my number one goal is to share my knowledge and expertise with photographers around the world, at various stages of their professional journey.

Whether you are looking to introduce in-person sales and products, like wall art, into your business, or have been offering it for a while but would like to get more confidence in selling and have a clear path to follow with every client, I offer tailored services and solutions that are designed to help guide you along the path to success.

Sick of chasing clients for their gallery selections? Improve the level of your service with in-person sales.